
It's been a good week. I enjoyed some of the moments I had alone. I had breakfast alone at a diner. Hiked Hogsback by myself. Got a gym membership and went to yoga with a room full of strangers. I also enjoyed one of my guilty pleasures this morning and browsed through a flea market that I happened upon. I saw a lot of junk, but came away with one treasure: an old magazine featuring Katherine Hepburn. I have a special place in my heart for her. My mom adored her, so I grew up hearing of her, watching her films, and sitting on the couch looking through this giant book we had that was full of pictures from her life. I still have the book, it's torn pages now full of pressed flowers. My favorite image was Katherine in her later years,  running out of the freezing February water towards her snow covered house. She was wearing her bathing suit and waiving behind her a red and white beach towel. 
She'd say,
"Not everyone is lucky enough to understand how delicious it is to suffer."

She was so admirable. I need to have more of that kind of zest in my life.

And of course, a Sunday post isn't anything without an image of my charming dog. Here she is, in her wet "just bathed" glory enjoying one of her homemade treats. :)